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Goal Celebration

There are many negative things about the FIFA World Cup in Qatar.
And then there is the feel-good story connected to the match between England and Iran.


  • If you are starstruck, you are very interested in and impressed by a famous person. Maybe even so impressed that you do not know what to say to them!
  • celebration is when you do something nice because it is a special day or special moment.
  • When someone is taking in the moment they take a second or so to think about what just happened.
  • The worm is a breakdance move.
  • Cerebral palsy is a disability that causes a person to have problems moving and speaking.


  1. What is true about Finlay?
    a      He is an Arsenal fan.
    b      He is a Manchester City fan.
    c       He has cerebral palsy.
    d      His sister has cerebral palsy.
    e      He asked Jack Grealish to do the worm.
  1. How did Finlay meet England player Jack Grealish?
    a      At a Manchester City fan event.
    b      At Manchester City training.
    c       He wrote him a letter.
    d      Through Jack’s sister, who also has cerebral palsy.
  1. How did Finlay react when he saw Jack’s special goal celebration?
    a      He was amazed, because he didn’t know who Jack Grealish was.
    b      He was not very impressed, it was just another celebration.
    c       He was so impressed by his hero that he didn’t know what to say.
    d      He was so starstruck by his hero that he couldn’t stop talking.
  1. What did Finlay say about the celebration to Jack after the match?
    a      “I thought you had forgotten.”
    b      “I was pushing for you to get a goal.”
    c       “Why didn’t you do the worm?”
    d      “You can relate to me.”
  1. How far does Finlay think England are going to go in the World Cup?
    a      To the consolation game for third place.
    b      To the final to play against Wales.
    c       To the final to win the World Cup.
    d      To the third place match the day before the final.

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