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Counting Up


  • stocktake is a count and check of all the items in a shop or business.
  • Zookeepers or keepers are the people who take care of the animals in a zoo.
  • The resident gorillas are the gorillas that have already been living at the zoo for some time.
  • cub is a young wild animal. So tiger cubs are young tigers.
  • Some of the penguins were hand-reared by keepers, which means that keepers fed them and took care of them.
  • Reptiles are a group of cold-blooded animals with skins covered with small hard plates.
  • Amphibians are animals such as frogs and toads that can live both on land and in water.


  1. How often do the zookeepers at London Zoo count up all the animals?
    a      Once a month
    b      Twice a month
    c       Once a year
    d      Twice a year
  1. How long does it take to count up all the animals at London Zoo?
    a      One day
    b      One week
    c       One month
    d      Dan Simmonds doesn’t say
  1. Which animals were new at London Zoo in 2022? Choose all correct answers.
    a      One toad
    b      One Western lowland silverback gorilla
    c       Ten Humboldt Penguins
    d      Thirty reptiles and amphibians
    e      Two tiger cubs

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