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Buzz Buzz Buzz!

It is an early, warm spring. You may have already spotted some bees. Bees can be found in many different countries.

Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.

  • massive – very large in number or size
  • (bee) combs – a group of wax cells with six sides that are built by bees; the bees keep young bees or honey in these cells
  • hornet – a very large wasp
  • to be under attack – to be attacked
  • predator – an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals
  • to intercept – to stop and take something that is going from one place to another place before that thing gets there
  • foraging – searching for food
  • to strike – to attack suddenly

First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.

1. Fill in the missing number:
Each of these massive combs can contain ……….. wild bees.
2. Can hornets catch the bees easily?
3. How many bees are on the cliff in the video clip?

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