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Out in the Cold

Yup, it’s still winter and really cold in some parts of the world. Northern USA and Canada are in the grip of the polar vortex. How did it all happen?

Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.

  • in a freeze frenzy – influenced and controlled by the effects of the freezing weather
  • to undergo changes – to go through changes
  • weather officials – people who work at organisations where the weather is studied
  • frostbite – injury to someone caused by severe cold, usually to their toes, fingers, ears, or nose
  • windchills – temperatures that shows how cold the air feels because of the wind


First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.

1. Where is the polar vortex actually?
2. How high up is the polar vortex?
3. Name two or more effects of the extreme cold.
4. Which two warnings have weather officials given?
5. How cold can the windchills get?

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