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Holding your breath and drinking cow urine? Myths versus facts.


  • myths – ideas or stories that are believed by many people but that are not true
  • viral – 1: caused by a virus; 2: spreading very quickly to many people especially through the Internet
  • to hold your breath – to keep the air that you have breathed in your lungs for a short time instead of breathing out
  • fever – a body temperature that is higher than normal
  • persistent – lasting for a long time; difficult to get rid off
  • to survive – to stay alive
  • contamination – the situation when things are getting dangerously dirty or are making other things dangerously dirty
  • to be better off – to be in a better situation



  1. Name the most effective way to help prevent any virus.
  2. Say you can hold your breath for more than 10 seconds, no problem at all. What does this mean?
  3. What are the main symptoms of the new coronavirus disease?
  4. How long can the virus survive on hard surfaces like metal, glass or plastic?.
  5. Can drinking cow pee cure or prevent the new coronavirus disease?


Extra words question

Myths are ideas or stories that are believed by many people but that are not true.
What is the original meaning of the word “myth”?



WK 14 Luisteren – Myths – antwoorden

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