Three Covid-19 vaccines have been approved in the UK: the Pfizer, Moderna and Oxford vaccines. What’s the difference between these three?
- effectiveness – the degree to which something is effective
- basically – generally; for the most part
- dose – a measured amount of something such as medicine
- approach – a way of doing something
- dry ice – solid carbon dioxide that is used for keeping things very cold
- fridge – short for refrigerator: a box or cupboard in which food, drinks, etc. are kept cool
- pandemic – situation in which a disease (ziekte) spreads all over the world
- Which vaccine or vaccines are most effective?
- Which vaccine or vaccines costs the least?
- How much do people in the UK have to pay if they want a vaccine?
- Are all three vaccines made in the same way?
- Which vaccine or vaccines are easiest and cheapest to store and transport?
WK 03 2020-2021 Luisteren – Vaccine Versus Vaccine – antwoorden