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Black History Month

In the United States, February is Black History Month. In this month, the achievements of African Americans in US history are celebrated. It is also celebrated in other countries, but not always in February. For example in Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom it is in October.


  • to trace your roots – to go back in history to find out more about your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents,etc.
  • port – a town or city where ships stop to load and unload cargo
  • traditions – the stories, beliefs, etc., that have been part of the culture of a group of people for a long time
  • blankets – coverings made of cloth that are used especially on a bed to keep you warm
  • to weave – to make something by crossing threads or other long pieces of material over and under each other
  • the future – the period of time that will come after the present time
  • pencil – an instrument used for writing and drawing with a hard outer part and a black centre part
  • soul food – food traditionally eaten by African-Americans in the southern US
  • for generations – for many many year, from the time of your great grandparents or their (grand)parents up to the time of their children and the children of their children, etc.



  1. Why is Charleston, South Carolina important for Black History?


  1. Name two or more traditions the kids are keeping alive.


  1. Which goals do the kids in the video have for their future?
    Listen carefully at 00:53. Name two or more.


  1. Where did many of the recipes for American soul food originally come from?





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