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This year’s Olympic Games will be different in many ways.


  • hug – when you are holding each other in your arms
  • handbook – a book that gives useful information about a particular subject
  • dos and don’ts – all the things that should or should not be done
  • to avoid – to take care that something will not happen
  • chanting – repeating a slogan over and over
  • playbook – instruction book
  • to have access to – to be able to get and use
  • face mask – a piece of cloth or other material to cover and protect your face or part of your face



  1. Allowed or forbidden?
    a hugs
    b high fives
    c handshakes
    d clapping
    e singing
    f chanting


  1. What is the rule regarding face masks?


  1. Fill in the missing words Ryan Lochte is saying:
    You’re so __________ and you want that… like…
    you want __________ __________ of touching your teammates,
    being like yes, giving them __________ __________.
    But now we just have to be __________ __________ __________ __________ that we do now.



WK 10 2020-2021 Luisteren – Shush – antwoorden

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