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Climbing for Gold


  • to resume – to begin again after stopping
  • to represent the US – (here:) to be part of a sports event for the United States
  • we have improved – we have become better
  • to introduce – to make it happen that people get to know something
  • discipline – in sports: a subsection (onderdeel) of a sport
  • bouldering – rock climbing on large boulders (rotsblokken)
  • to multiply vermeningvuldigen



  1. How many athletes are in the Olympic climbing team for the United States?


  1. How long has climbing been an Olympic event?


  1. At the Olympics, climbing is a combination of several disciplines. How many disciplines?


  1. Fill in the missing word:
    All scores will be multiplied (vermenigvuldigd) “and the ………… score wins.”


  1. Fill in the dates:
    The Tokyo Olympics will be held from ……………………………… to ……………………………………..



WK 16 2020-2021 Luisteren – Climbing for Gold – antwoorden

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