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Seed Bombs


  • to pollinate – to give a plant pollen (stuifmeel) from another plant of the same kind so that seeds will be produced
  • wildflowers –flowers that grow in natural places without being planted by people
  • habitat – the place or type of place where a plant or animal naturally lives or grows
  • compost – a mixture of old dry plants (such as leaves and grass)
  • soil – the top layer of earth in which plants grow
  • some scoops een paar scheppen
  • bowl – a round container with tall, curving sides
  • seed – a small pit made by a plant from which a new plant can grow
  • glue – a substance used to stick things tightly together


  1. What are seed bombs?
    a Balls of compost and clay to scare away insects.
    b Balls of seeds to eat at a picnic.
    c Balls of soil with flower seeds for insects.
    d Balls of stiff clay to play games.


  1. Name all the things that go into a seed bomb.


  1. How much water do you need when you make seed bombs?

Extra writing assignment

  1. Watch the video once more.
  2. Take notes of all the steps needed to make seed bombs.
  3. Write instructions: How to make seed bombs.
    Use your answer to question 2 above and your notes.


WK 17 2020-2021 Luisteren – Seed Bombs – antwoorden

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