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Auld Acquaintance?

Elections have been held in Scotland. They may lead to a new Scottish referendum.



  • independence – freedom from outside control or support
  • to commemorate – to exist in order to remind people of an important event or person from the past
  • case in point – a specific example used to show that something you have said is true
  • Nicola Sturgeon – Scotland’s current first minister and leader of the Scottish National Party
  • Westminster – short for: the parliament of the United Kingdom (Westminster is the part of London where the parliament buildings are)
  • pro-independence parties – political parties that want independence
  • referendum – a public vote for or against a particular issue
  • to rear its head – (of something unpleasant) to happen, to appear
  • a narrow majority – just a little bit more than half of the votes
  • irresponsible – not thinking enough or not worrying about the possible results of what you do




  1. Elections have been held in Scotland. They may lead to a new Scottish referendum. What would the issue of the referendum be?


  1. Who was William Wallace? And when did he die?


  1. What was the outcome of the Scottish referendum in 2014?


  1. Is Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, for or against Scottish independence?


  1. What is the expected outcome of this month’s Scottish elections? And how will it affect the chances of a new referendum?




WK 19 2020-2021 Luisteren – Auld Aquaintance – antwoorden


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