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Clowning Around

Lots of shortages in the UK: petrol (benzine), cars, milk, meat, toys, Christmas trees (!), timber (hout) and cement… And now even a shortage of clowns in Northern Ireland!



  • shortage – a situation in which there is not enough of something
  • ancient Egypt – Egypt many thousand years ago, when it was a very important and influential civilization
  • depleted the supply – used up all that is available (here: all the clowns available in Northern Ireland)
  • locals – people who live in a particular area or place
  • post-pandemic – after the pandemic
  • to live in the moment – to focus on the pleasure you can have here and now
  • to be willing to make a fool of yourself – to be okay with looking like an idiot and everybody laughing at you
  • to be willing to take a trip – to be okay with stumbling (struikelen) and falling
  • ridiculous – very silly, absurd, foolish, laughable
  • to feel at ease – to feel confident and relaxed
  • audience – a group of people who come together to listen to something or watch something (such as a film or clowns)



  1. Why are there not enough clowns in Northern Ireland?
  2. What makes a good clown? Name three or more qualities. (~ 0:42 etc.)
  3. For which people do clowns do their act? (~ 1:35 etc.)
    a.              A lot of stand-ups and other comedians.
    b.              Everyone of all different ages and all different sizes.
    c.              Mainly for teenagers and young adults.
    d.              Only for young children and school kids.



WK 40 2021-2022 Luisteren – Clowning Around – antwoorden

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