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Green Dragons

Tracy Williams can spot a piece of Lego where others just see seaweed and sand.

Watch the video up to 2:37.



  • If you spot something you suddenly see it.
  • octopus – a sea animal with a soft body and eight long arms
  • reef – a long line of rocks or sand, with the top just above or just below the surface of the sea
  • If something is common, it is found in large numbers.
  • The rarest thing is something of which there are just a few.
  • ocean currents – the steady, continuous movements of sea water
  • decade – a period of 10 years
  • for decades – for tens of years



  1. What happened in 1997?
  2. Name three or more kinds of Lego pieces Tracy has found over the years.
  3. How many green dragons have been found at Tracy’s beach?
  4. How many containers did the ship lose?
  5. How many years can plastic stay like plastic in the ocean or anywhere in nature?



WK 07 2021-2022 Luisteren – Green Dragons – antwoorden

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