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What does endemic mean?



  • A disease is an illness which affects people, animals, or plants.
  • The flu is an illness which is similar to a bad cold but more serious. It often makes you feel very weak and makes your muscles hurt.
  • Treatable symptoms are symptoms which can be cured (made better) or controlled with the help of medicine.
  • Something that is harmless does not have any bad effects, it cannot hurt you.



  1. What is pandemic? Choose all the correct items.
    a When a disease is at a constant level.
    b      When a disease is kind of just always hanging around.
    c       When a disease is possibly present in the whole world.
    d      When a disease is present in a specific region.
    e      When a disease is spreading across a wide area.
    f        When a disease is spreading quickly.


  1. What is endemic? Choose all the correct items.
    a When a disease is at a constant level.
    b      When a disease is kind of just always hanging around.
    c       When a disease is possibly present in the whole world.
    d      When a disease is present in a specific region.
    e      When a disease is spreading across a wide area.
    f        When a disease is spreading quickly.


  1. Does “endemic” mean that a disease is no longer dangerous?
    a No, it can still be dangerous.
    b      Yes, then it is harmless.

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