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Could AI decide what you learn at high school?

Experimenteren met AI

What if all your lessons were AI-generated? A school in Texas lets AI take the lead in their education programme.


  • When something reigns supreme, it means it’s in charge or stands above everything else.
  • The theory an idea or project is based on is also called its premise.
  • The core curriculum at a school is the programme with the most important learning goals.
  • To infuse something with AI means to add artificial intelligence technology to it.
  • Procrastination is putting something off that you don’t want to do, often distracting yourself with other tasks to avoid doing it.
  • People who offer supervision are people who guide others and check if they are following the rules.
  • In-person collaboration means to work together with other people.
  • To grapple with something is to struggle on how to approach or handle something.
  • The Ivy League group is a group of very high-ranking universities. The name Ivy League is therefore often used to refer to a high level of learning. For example, an Ivy League chemistry test is a test that would be given at an Ivy League university.
  •  When a series of events culminates in something, it means it leads up to it.


Watch the whole video once.

1.  The students in this school use AI to develop their own passion projects. Name two projects that are mentioned in this video.

Watch the video from the start to 03:05 more closely.

2. Which sentence describes the ‘guides’ in the classroom best?

A: They have previous experience with AI, and support students with using the technology responsibly.

B: They are like teachers, but they focus on motivating students instead of teaching them lessons.

C: They mentor students in taking their project to a professional level, for example by contacting manufacturers.

D: They develop and teach the core curriculum that is developed specifically for this school.

3. What do the classes of students at this school look like? Tick all the things the students work on.

A: Video editing

B: An AI core curriculum

C: Real-world projects

D: Physics

E: In-person collaboration

F: Life skills

G: Debate classes

H: Nutrition and health

4. Harvard has tested how AI tutors have helped students study for an Ivy League physics course. What was the outcome of this study?

Watch the video from 03:05 to the end of the video.

5. What does the founder of the school, McKinsey Price, expect will happen in 10 years.

6. The video shows students giving presentations while other students use ChatGPT to generate questions. What is the aim of this exercise, according to the video?

A: To test if students can use AI on the spot.

B: To test if students can think critically about complicated material.

C: To test if students can work under pressure.

D: To test if the students have completely mastered the material.

7. Would you like to learn by using AI and designing your own education programme? Explain your answer by giving one benefit and one downside of this way of learning.

Van de makers van All Right!, Of Course! en Taalblokken Engels

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