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Foxy Foxes

Vos in Londen op zoek naar eten

What’s for dinner, Mrs Fox?

Assignment 1

You may use English-language Internet sources to help you.

a     List 5 or more wild animals that live in our part of the world.

Over the last years, more and more foxes have been sighted in cities.

Find out if these city foxes are very different from countryside foxes.

Assignment 2

Read the text. Find (and mark) the following words in the text:

fox human concerns countryside – omnivores – (to) feast on something leftovers overall pet food to work out whiskers due to cubs susceptible disease

Match the above words and expressions with their correct definitions.

  1. animals that eat both plants and other animals
  2. because of
  3. belonging or relating to people
  4. to discover, to find out
  5. easily affected or harmed by something
  6. to eat large amounts of food
  7. fears, worries
  8. food for cats, dogs and other pet animals
  9. food that has not been finished at a meal
  10. generally
  11. illness
  12. land away from big towns and cities
  13. the long, stiff hairs that grow on the face of some animals
  14. a wild animal which looks like a dog and has reddish-brown fur, pointy ears and a thick tail
  15. young wild animals

Assignment 3

a     Choose the best summary.

1   Birds are the biggest food source for city and countryside foxes.

2   City foxes have a different diet than countryside foxes, which could be bad for their health.

3   Female foxes are healthier than countryside foxes because they eat more human-made food.

4   Scientists have discovered that city foxes eat more fast food than other city animals.

b     Female foxes eat more food from people than male foxes. What could be the reason for this?

1   Because people feed female foxes more than male foxes.

2   Because there are more female foxes near people.

3   Because they have to take care of young foxes.

4   Because they love eating food produced by humans.

c     What are possible health impacts of a city diet for foxes? Choose all correct options.

1   They could become addicted to fat and sugar.

2   They could become generally less healthy.

3   They could become heavier.

4   They could become sick easier.

5   They could lose their hunting instinct.


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