Sterbetag Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ist Deutschlands berühmtester Dichter. Großen Ruhm erwarb er sich mit den Romanen Die Leiden des jungen Wertherund Faust.Goethe starb vor 187 Jahren, am 22.03.1832. Erfahrt in einem Schulfilm mehr über Goethe und beantwortet die Fragen. FRAGE VOR DEM SEHEN Besprecht die folgende Frage in Zweiergruppen: 1. Was wisst ihr schon über […]


March News

What’s up in the world this month? Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. to propose – to suggest something like a plan or an idea to others planes grounded – Airplanes that are “grounded” are prevented from flying. to smash records – to break existing records with far better performances or achievements […]


Taalkronkels – maart 2019

Wie kent hem niet, de rubriek Ruggespraak van het maandblad Onze Taal met grappige taalkronkels uit de media? Speciaal voor Talent ontwikkelt Onze Taal maandelijks een Ruggespraak-rubriek voor het voortgezet onderwijs: Ruggespraak VO. Vier taalkronkels met korte opdrachten erbij om te behandelen in de klas. Hoe kun je de taalkronkels lezen? En wat betekenen ze dan? Beter […]


Social Media Royalty

Assignment 1 For this assignment you may use a dictionary or English-language Internet sources to help you. a   Make a list of words related to social media. Start with the English words you already know. Next, look up any words you know in Dutch but not in English. Copy them too. b   Which social media […]



Wolves were gone from the Netherlands. But they are back. Between November last year and January this year at least four wolves were spotted. In the United States wolves also almost became extinct (uitgestorven). This has changed. Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. predator – an animal that lives by killing and […]


A Good Night’s Sleep

Datum: 7 maart 2019 Assignment 1 For this assignment you may use a dictionary or English-language Internet sources to help you. a   Make a list of words related to sleep. Start with the English words you already know. Next, look up any words you know in Dutch but not in English. Copy them too. b   […]



Le 8 février dernier, les Victoires de la musique 2019 ont été remises pendant la 34e cérémonie à La Seine Musicale, à Boulogne-Billancourt. De nombreux jeunes artistes ont été récompensés, dont Bigflo & Oli (catégorie Artiste masculin) et Jeanne Added (catégorie Artiste féminin). La sensation belge Angèle a reçu deux Victoires, une pour son album […]


Nature’s Vanishing Trick

Biodiversity refers to all the different kinds of living organisms (animals and plants) in a place on earth. The UN just published a study warning that biodiversity is in decline (aan het afnemen). Teenager Lily Macfarlane made a short video to try and explain why the loss of biodiversity, extinction and vanishing species really matter. […]


Taalkronkels – februari 2019

Wie kent hem niet, de rubriek Ruggespraak van het maandblad Onze Taal met grappige taalkronkels uit de media? Speciaal voor Talent ontwikkelt Onze Taal maandelijks een Ruggespraak-rubriek voor het voortgezet onderwijs: Ruggespraak VO. Vier taalkronkels met korte opdrachten erbij om te behandelen in de klas. Hoe kun je de taalkronkels lezen? En wat betekenen ze dan? Vertraging […]


Out in the Cold

Yup, it’s still winter and really cold in some parts of the world. Northern USA and Canada are in the grip of the polar vortex. How did it all happen? Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. in a freeze frenzy – influenced and controlled by the effects of the freezing weather to […]


House on fire

Last week, world leaders and business chiefs met in Davos to talk about global issues and solutions. 16-year-old Greta Thunberg from Sweden was there too. She presented her point of view on climate action. Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. lack of effective change – not enough action to make real changes […]


Earth’s Fast-Moving Magnetic Pole

Assignment 1 Read the assignment and write down the answers in English. You may use English-language Internet sources to help you. a   Make a list of words you use to give directions. Start with the English words you already know. Next, look up any words you know in Dutch but not in English. Copy them […]
