King Tides
Sea levels are rising. Scientists and governments are planning for the future, using all the data they can get.
Sea levels are rising. Scientists and governments are planning for the future, using all the data they can get.
In the UK, there are new rules for heading the ball during football training.
There are heavy bushfires near Charlotte's home in New South Wales, Australia.
With Brexit looming, some in the UK are reflecting on their lifelong relationship with Europe.
Chocolate companies are experimenting with new recipes. They are not just interested in new tastes. They also want to do their bit for a better environment. Assignment 1 Read the assignment and write down the answers in English. You may use English-language Internet sources to help you. Chocolate is made from a fruit: the cocoa […]
YouTube has many stars. They have many followers who love their videos. The followers expect new videos all the times. Some YouTube stars find it difficult to always come up with new videos.
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