Getting Involved

Can US teens who are too young to vote still make their voice heard?


A Merry Message

Santa Claus has an early message to people around the world.


Deep in the Weeds

Invasive species can cause a lot of damage. Biologists are trying new methods to combat them.


Walking the Walk

Last summer, Romeo Cox went for a walk. A very long walk.


Ms Marvel

The actress who will play Kamala Khan a.k.a. Ms Marvel in a new series was announced.


Packing your Backpack

This year, you may have to bring a few items to school that you never thought you’d need. Isabel in Vancouver has some tips.


Wat vind jij van de actuele opdrachten?

Het is bijna vakantie, de laatste zaken op school worden afgerond en het is tijd om te genieten van je welverdiende rust. Ook Actuele opdrachten gaat nu met vakantie, de laatste opdrachten zijn onlangs gepubliceerd. Na de zomer gaan we weer aan de slag met het ontwikkelen van nieuwe, inspirerende opdrachten die aansluiten op wat […]


Making a Splash

Summertime. We all want to go for a swim. Is it safe?


The Black Square Thing

Why were people using the hashtag #BlackoutTuesday? And why was it controversial?
