Mount Everest

Mount Everest has been in the news a lot recently. Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. to hit headlines – to appear as a big news story fierce – very powerful lack – the state or condition of not having any or enough of something oxygen – zuurstof a record number of […]


Every Little Thing Counts

From global warming to endangered animals, the future of our planet is at risk. We can all do more to protect our environment. But many of us don’t know where to begin. There is a plan for just those people. Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. endangered – used to describe a […]


Up in the air

Summer vacation is coming up. Good times for airline companies. Travelling by plane has never been more popular. But flying contributes to climate change. Now what? Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. a significant number – very many; so many that it really makes a difference carbon footprint – a measurement of […]


Keeping it Cool

Assignment 1 For this assignment you may use a dictionary or English-language Internet sources to help you. a   List English words for animals. Look up those you know in Dutch but not in English. b   Organize the animals you listed in the following 6 basic groups: 1 invertebrates (animals without a backbone), 2 fish, 3 amphibians (animals […]


A Capital Move

Assignment 1 For this assignment you may use a dictionary or English-language Internet sources to help you. a   Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. Name the capital cities of 5 other countries. b   Homonyms are words that sound the same, but have different meanings. They can mean two or more completely different things. […]


The Thing About Biodiversity

Hundreds of thousands of different species of animals and plants are facing extinction. The United Nations says that this is all because of human activity: all sorts of things we humans are doing. Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. biodiversity – the existence of many different kinds of plants and animals in […]


Buzz Buzz Buzz!

It is an early, warm spring. You may have already spotted some bees. Bees can be found in many different countries. Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. massive – very large in number or size (bee) combs – a group of wax cells with six sides that are built by bees; the […]


The Blue Bandit

Wiebe Wakker went for a ride in his car. His car is called the Blue Bandit. It is a special car and it was a special ride. Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. epic journey – very impressive trip a bandit – a gangster online donations – money people give through a […]


The World’s Cleanest Air

Assignment 1 For this assignment you may use a dictionary or English-language Internet sources to help you. a   A peninsula is a piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides. It is connected to a larger land at one side. “Peninsula” is a geographical word. List other geographical words you know. b   […]



Assignment 1 For this assignment you may use a dictionary or English-language Internet sources to help you. a   An emperor (keizer) is a kind of leader. List other words for leaders. For each word, name an example of a country or organization that has this kind of leader. b   Japan is a country in Asia. […]


#TrashTag Challenge

Assignment 1 For this assignment you may use a dictionary or English-language Internet sources to help you. a   Name 5 online challenges. Look them up if you don’t know that many. b   Which challenges have you or somebody you know done? Find and copy pictures or other sorts of proof.   #trashtag challenge Often, news […]



Have you seen the new Dumbo movie yet? Disney has just released a remake. In the film, Danny DeVito plays Max Medici, the owner of a circus. Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. in captivity – not free; kept in a cage or something similar to run away – to leave your […]
