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A Merry Message

Finland’s Santa Claus has a message to people around the world.


  • Santa Claus – a plump, white-bearded, red-suited, and jolly old man who delivers presents at Christmas
  • excellent – very good
  • Christmas – the Christian holiday that is celebrated on 25 December
  • to cancel – to decide that something will not happen
  • wonderful – an animal that is like a small horse with large ears
  • public health volksgezondheid
  • recommendation – advice about what best to do
  • wish – what you want or hope for
  • to stay safe – to be careful and take care of our health
  • soon – in a short time



  1. What is Santa Claus’ good news?
  2. What is one of the best aspects of Christmas?
  3. What is Santa’s greatest wish for this Christmas?



WK 45 2020-2021 Luisteren – A Merry Message – antwoorden

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