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Coldplay hit the news with their statement regarding environmentally beneficial concerts.

Assignment 1

For this assignment you may use a dictionary or English-language Internet sources to help you.

a    List activities that could harm the environment.
b    List activities that could be good for the environment.

Coldplay to pause touring until concerts are ‘environmentally beneficial’

The reading text for this assignment can be found here.

Assignment 2

For each definition, find the word or expression it describes in the text and write it down.

  1. relating to the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live…
  2. the lead singer or leader of a musical group…………………………………………………………
  3. involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources……….
  4. helpful, useful and good…………………………………………………………………………………….
  5. live concerts……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  6. to send out a programme on television or radio……………………………………………………
  7. one of the seven large masses of land on the surface of the earth……………………………
  8. a plan or program that is intended to solve a problem…………………………………………..
  9. actors, musicians, dancers, etc……………………………………………………………………………
  10. to take action when it is needed………………………………………………………………………….
  11. a building with glass walls and a glass roof with a warm atmosphere……………………..
  12. amounts of gas, heat, light, etc. that is send out……………………………………………………
  13. the place where an event happens……………………………………………………………………….
  14. to give something and be given something else instead………………………………………….
  15. a structure that holds the lights for a stage……………………………………………………………


Assignment 3

a        What are ‘environmentally beneficial’ concerts?

1    Concerts by artists who all their money to environmental charities.
2    Concerts for people who travel without flying.
3    Concerts organised in a way that they help the environment.
4    Concerts producing no greenhouse emissions at all.

b        Which aspect of international music tours is most damaging for the environment?

1    Throwing All the plastic cups and bags that visitors throw away.
2    Cleaning up and restoring the concert area afterwards.
3    The electricity used for lighting and sound.
4    The travelling of all the fans that visit the shows.


c        Select all the things people in the music industry are doing to become more sustainable.

1    Donating to an environmental charity.
2    Donating to plant trees instead of selling merchandise.
3    Joining climate marches.
4    Recycling guitar strings.
5    Travelling around the world.
6    Using LEDs instead of spotlights.
7    Using solar power only.


WK 50 2019-2020 Lezen B2 Coldplay

WK 50 2019-2020 Lezen B2 Coldplay – uitwerking

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