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Eight-Legged Allies

Spin in een web

Who is afraid of spiders?

Assignment 1

You may use English-language Internet sources or a dictionary to help you.

a     Name 5 or more insects.

Many people are afraid of spiders. But are they really dangerous?

Read all about the crawling house guests and their good (and bad?) sides.

Assignment 2

Find the words in the text.

Connect the words and expressions that have the same meaning.

1.   autumna.   fully grown animals or people
2.   eight-leggedb.   a group of animals or people that are similar
3.   adultsc.   grow again
4.   markingsd.   make
5.   stripye.   marks or a pattern of marks on the body of an animal
6.   socksf.   medicine that is used to kill harmful bacteria and to cure infections
7.   silkg.   the pieces of cloth that are connected to a ship and that are used to catch the wind
8.   speciesh.   pieces of clothing that you wear on your foot and that cover part of your leg
9.   (to) createi.    the plants that are grown by farmers
10. (to) regrowj.    the season between summer and winter
11. antibioticsk.   sick
12. unwelll.    situation in which the different parts are just as strong as all the others
13. sailsm. the thread that is produced by a spider
14. the cropsn.   with 8 legs
15. balanceo.   with stripes

Assignment 3

a   True or false?

1   In autumn, spiders are bigger and come indoors.

2   In autumn, there are more spiders.

3   Some people find spiders a bit scary.

4   Spiders are nervous.

5   Spiders have eight legs.

b   Why do we notice more spiders at this time of year?

1   Around Halloween, spiders always show themselves.

2   In autumn, spiders are bigger because they become adults.

3   There are many spiders now because it is still very warm.

4   They get tired quickly, so you see them sitting around a lot.

c   What are good things about spiders? Choose all correct answers.

1   Spider silk is used to make antibiotics for sick people.

2   Spider silk might be used to release antibiotics.

3   Spider silk might help to regrow human cells.

4   The silk of small spiders can be used to make mini sails.

5   They catch insects in their webs.

6   They help to keep the balance in nature.

7   They stop insects from eating the plants that we grow for food.

d   Which word in the text means about the same as “scary”?

1   creative

2   nervous

3   spooky

4   underway

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