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Food Trends for 2019

Assignment 1

Read the assignment and write down the answers in English. You may use English-language Internet sources to help you.

a   Work with one or more classmates. Make a list of words related to food. Write down the English words you already know. Look up any words you know in Dutch but not in English. Copy them too.

b   Collect all the words your classmates listed. Organize them in categories: vegetables, fruits, sweets, junk food, etc.


2019 Food Trends

What will we eat in 2019? It could be ugly vegetables. These are vegetables people usually throw away. Or, we could be eating vegetables designed by chefs and grown at special farms. We might top that salad with watermelon seeds. We will be drinking pea milk and oat milk. Flavours from different countries will become popular. Plant-based foods will be eaten more. Special olive oils or freshly made granola bars will have to go in the fridge.

These are all predictions of trends. So, what is a trend? Well, there is no fixed way to measure a trend.

Jenny Zegler studies food for a company called Mintel. Mintel follows business trends. Some trend lists are made by professionals. Some are made by one person with a good sense of what others will like. The predictions mostly fall into four categories.

In the first category are the trends like “plant-based foods” and “specialized diets”. These are vague buzzwords. They mean everything and nothing. But don’t count them out, says Zegler. She predicts three trends in this category: sustainability, foods for staying healthy when you get older, and better convenience foods. Sustainability means making foods that do not damage the planet.

But what many of us think of as trends are actually fads. Thai rolled ice cream, soup diets, cake pops, these are all fads.

“A fad is something that kind of comes quick and goes,” Zegler said. But a trend is something that is around for longer.

Za’atar is a Middle-Eastern spice mix. Some western cooks have been using it for a while, but for other people it is something new. These people call it a trend. This is the second category: Predictions that are already trendy, in some circles, at least.

Michael Whiteman helps large restaurants make decisions. He says the big trends for 2019 are more robots in the kitchen and more meal kits. These kits are delivered to people’s homes. They contain ingredients that are already measured out and recipes. They make cooking easy. Whiteman said he might be wrong. That’s the third category: Trends that might or might not work.

The fourth category is foods that are not popular now, but that will be popular soon. That might include meat grown in labs, healthy desserts and Peganism (paleo veganism). Paleo means eating only foods that humans ate thousands of years ago, during the Palaeolithic Period. Veganism is to eat no animal products.

Most of the people reading the trend lists do not work in the food industry. Some of them are not even able to get these trendy foods where they live. They are just curious. They like to find new trends before their friends. It can make the foods more exciting.

Most of all, “they want to be able to post on Instagram,” Zegler says.

Based on: www.washingtonpost.com


Assignment 2

Read the text. For each definition, find the word or words it describes in the text and write them down.

a. a small, round, green seed that is eaten as a vegetable……..
b. types of taste; how food or drink tastes……..
c. statements about what will happen or might happen in the future……..
d. words or phrases that are very popular for a period of time……..
e. frozen, dried, or canned foods that can be heated and prepared very quickly and easily……..
f. to harm or spoil……..
g. things, such as an interest or fashion, that are very popular for a short time……..
h. boxes or bags with recipes and all the foods needed to make those recipes……..
i. the things that are used to make a meal……..
j. sweet food eaten at the end of a meal……..


Assignment 3

a   What are some predicted food trends for 2019? Select all the correct answers.

1. Cake pops
2. Healthy desserts
3. More food photos on Instagram
4. More meal kits
5. More meat
6. Oat milk
7. Pea milk
8. Soup diets
9. Thai rolled ice cream
10. Ugly vegetables
11. Watermelon seeds on salads

b   Select the statements that are true.

1. Trend lists can be made by a group of people or one person.
2. Trends and fads are not the same thing.
3. Michael Whiteman only predicts trends he is sure about.
4. Veganism means that people do not eat any food that comes from animals

c   Why are trend lists popular with regular people?

1. They are looking for work in the food industry.
2. They are mostly vegans and they want to know what is trendy.
3. They don’t like the trendy foods and want to know what NOT to buy.
4. They want to post trendy food photos on Instagram.



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