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Game On!

Assignment 1

Read the assignment and write down the answers in English.
You may use English-language Internet sources to help you.

a           Energy is used to produce electricity, heat, light, and more. Name three or more sources of energy.

b           Renewable energy is energy from any natural resources that can replace itself (hernieuwbare energie, heet ook wel duurzame of groene energie).
Non-renewable energy is energy from a source that will eventually be empty. (niet-hernieuwbare energie; deze energie is op een gegeven moment op).
Are the energy sources you named renewable or non-renewable?
Write this down for all your energy sources.


Game On!

The original Game Boy came out in 1989. Researchers have developed a new version. It looks the same on the outside. But it is very different on the inside.

Read the text here.


Assignment 2

Fill in the missing word or words.
Choose words from the following table.
Find the words in the text to understand their meaning.

anytime battery-free
cartridge devices
from scratch handheld
impact instructions
itty-bitty longtime
mash shaking
to power to that end
  1. A ………………… film camera is a film camera that you use while holding it in your hands.
  2. You can buy TVs, VCRs, and other electronic ………………… in an electronics store.
  3. For this game, you have to hit the keys really hard: you must …………………
  4. You can call me whenever you want. You can call me ………………….
  5. They wanted to develop a new flying game. …………………, they made a list of things that could fly.
  6. A powerful or big effect is also called an ………………….
  7. My new phone does not have a battery. It is a …………………
  8. They have been best friends since they were 6 years old. They are …………………
  9. Can we fix the old computer system? Or do we have to start ………………… with a new system?
  10. Another word for very small is ………………….
  11. ………………… tell a computer what to do.
  12. A game ………………… is a special memory card. On it is the software you need to play a game.
  13. Solar panels turn sun energy into electricity. They are used ………………… all sorts of things.
  14. If you are …………………, your body makes quick short movements.


Assignment 3

a        Choose the best summary.

1     Scientists are looking for ways to make less electronic waste. So, they created a new Game Boy.
2     The new Game Boy can run for about 10 seconds. Then, it dies before the power restarts.
3     The new Game Boy is not for sale. It’s only a project for now.
4     You can play many video games on a Game Boy. These include Tetris and Super Mario Bros.


b        How is the new Game Boy different from the old Game Boy?

1     It does not have different games.
2     It does not need batteries.
3     It is made in the Netherlands.
4     It is sold in many stores.


c        Where does the new Game Boy get its power from? Choose all correct answers.

1     Batteries
2     Hitting the keys
3     Natural gas
4     Scratching it
5     Shaking it
6     The sun
7     Wind power


WK 48 2020-2021 Lezen A2 – 04 – Game On

WK 48 2020-2021 Lezen A2 – 04 – Game On – uitwerking

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