Home » Materiaal 12+ » Going for a Bike

Going for a Bike

On to school! On your bike?



  • pupils – children at school
  • to cycle – to ride on a bicycle
  • on average – usually; typically
  • cyclist – a person riding a bike
  • peer pressure – a feeling that you must do the same things as other people of your age and social group in order to be liked or respected by them
  • harassment – annoying or upsetting behaviour, when people say or do bad things to others
  • bike shelterfietsenhok
  • stigma – a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about something
  • cycle lanes – parts of the road that are only for the use of people riding bicycles



  1. There are more than 500 at Dominican College. How many of them cycle to school?
    And how many of the 510 students at the boys school in Galway cycle to school?
  2. Name the three things a lot of young women cycling in Ireland are dealing with.
  3. Bella has a message for students who cycle to school. Complete her words:
    You’re being ………………….. cycling in school.
    You’re ………………….. and …………………...
    So keep going and don’t let anyone ………………….. or …………………...


  1. Bella wants her school to be more bike-friendly. Name the 2 things she has campagined for.


  1. Name 2 or more things the young girls say about cycling to school (from 02:16 on).




WK 23 2020-2021 Luisteren – Going for a Bike – antwoorden

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