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Jimmy Carter

President Jimmy Carter

Lots of news concerning presidents of the United States: One is leaving office, soon another will start his term (again), yet another one passed away recently.

Assignment 1

You may use English-language Internet sources or a dictionary to help you.

a   Which US presidents do you know? Write down their names.

b   Write down at least 2 political positions in government.

Jimmy Carter

On 20 January 2025 the 47th president of the United States will be sworn in.
The very first president of the United States was George Washington. He became president in 1789.
One of the later presidents was Jimmy Carter. He became president almost 200 years later, in 1977.
Last month Jimmy Carter died. He was 100 years old.

Read all about Jimmy Carter’s life in this article.

Assignment 2

Find the words in the text.

Connect the words and expressions that have the same meaning.

1.   one terma.   the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous
2.   leaving officeb.   all over the world
3.   peanutc.   the basic rights to be treated fairly and with respect
4.   the Navyd.   a characteristic of a person who is always speaking and acting truthfully
5.   local politicse.   a characteristic of a person who treats people in a reasonable and right way
6.   honestyf.   continuing for a long time
7.   fairnessg.   government of a specific local area, like a city or a region or a state
8.   defeatingh.   to have difficulties and trying very hard to make things work
9.   long-runningi.    made better
10. to strugglej.    the part of a country’s military forces that fights at sea
11. around the globek.   the period of time between two elections during which a leader is in power
12. human rightsl.    retiring (aftreden) from a position
13. religiousm. a seed like a nut that grows under the ground and is eaten as a snack
14. improvedn.   winning a victory over someone, for example in an election
15. courageo.   with a very strong belief in God

Assignment 3

a   True or false?

1   The Carter family had a peanut farm.

2   Jimmy Carter served in the Navy during World War II.

3   Jimmy Carter fought in the army to bring peace in the Middle East.

4   Ronald Reagan became president after Jimmy Carter.

5   Henry Ford became president after Jimmy Carter.

6   Jimmy Carter was a Peace Prize winner.

b   What is the Carter Center?

1   A building society for people who do not have enough money to build their own houses.

2   An organization with projects all over the world to help people and support human rights.

3   The peanut farm Jimmy Carter started when he was no longer president.

4   A religious organization that trains health workers and teaches Sunday school classes.

c   How many US presidents are still alive today?

1   3

2   5

3   6

4   9


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