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Lambing Season

Lambing season is under way in farms around Ireland.



  • lambing – giving birth to lambs
  • cattle – cows, bulls, or steers that are kept on a farm or ranch for meat or milk
  • If something is in full swing, it is operating fully and is no longer in its early stages.
  • If you bide your time, you wait for a good opportunity before doing something.
  • offspring – the young of an animal (here: the lambs)
  • If someone or something thrives, they do well and are healthy and strong.




  1. How many lambs have been born on the farm since the weekend?


  1. How many lambs are expected to be born in the next two weeks?


  1. Why do some lambs get food from a bottle? Name one or two reasons.


  1. Where is most of Irish lamb meat sold?

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