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Loads of Rubbish

Big companies are producing too much plastic. And people just throw it away anywhere they want.



  • cleanup is the removing of dirt, trash, rubbish, etc. from somewhere
  • over 500 – more than 500
  • to participate – to take part in something
  • to go south – to become worse
  • to get engaged – to become active and seriously try to do something
  • policies – a set of ideas or plans about what should be done
  • strewn with rubbish – covered with trash



  1. World Cleanup Day is held each year. On which day?
  2. How many countries participated in World Cleanup Day this year?
  3. How many tons of plastic end up in the oceans each year?
  4. Finish the sentence of the volunteer (~0:45)
    We see with climate change and global warming, it’s all kind going down south. So I think it’s time we all get engaged to ……………………………………………………………………..
  5. The video shows cleanup day in two different countries. Name both countries.



WK 39 2021-2022 Luisteren – Loads of Rubbish – antwoorden

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