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Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year explained.


  • Rabbits are small animals with long ears. Bunny is another word for rabbit.
  • The zodiac (dierenriem) is a diagram that shows the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into a number of zodiac signs (sterrenbeelden).
  • A rooster is an adult male chicken.
  • The typical aspects of your character are called your qualities. Honesty is a good quality. Laziness is not such a good quality.
  • Someone who is skilful at something does it very well.
  • People who do not feel or show any fear are brave feeling.


  1. When is Lunar New Year?
    a On the first day of January.
    b On the first full moon after 31 December.
    c On the first full moon between 21 January and 20 February.
    d On the first full moon of the Gregorian calendar.
  1. How many animals are there in the Chinese New Year zodiac?
    a 10
    b 12
    c 15
    d 21
  1. Name all the animals of the Chinese zodiac.
  1. Which qualities does the Chinese zodiac animal Rabbit have? Select all correct answers.
    a brave
    b clever
    c intelligent
    d kind
    e loyal
    f skilful
  1. How do people celebrate Lunar New Year? Select all correct answers.
    a They buy treats for their pet animals.
    b They clean their house to get rid of bad energy.
    c They dress in new clothes.
    d They eat lots of good food.
    e They give each other presents.
    f They light lanterns and release them.
    g They take part in parades.
    h They try to be extra nice to each other.

Extra assignment

Answer the questions in writing. Use Internet sources to help you.

  1. Find out your animal in the Chinese zodiac.
  2. Find out which qualities your zodiac animal has.

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