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Orkaan Milton raast door Florida

Parts of Florida were hit by Hurricane Milton just two weeks after Hurricane Helene raged there.

Assignment 1

You may use English-language Internet sources to help you.

a     How many different hurricane categories are there?

b     Name at least two other natural disasters.

Hurricane Milton has hit Florida. It brought strong winds, tornadoes and flooding.
It has weakend, but the situation is still dangerous.

In this article, Floridians share their stories.

Assignment 2

Read the text. Find (and mark) the following words in the text:

lengthy – (to) evacuate – washer – (to) rebuild – relieved – disastrous – making landfall – cautioned – debris – (to) survey – power saws – marina – major – docks – overnight

Match the above words and expressions with their correct definitions.

a     to build something again after it has been damaged

b     during the night

c     electric tools for cutting wood

d     happy because something bad has not happened or has stopped

e     lasting for a long time

f      long wooden platforms that are built out into water; used as a place to get on, get off, or tie up a boat

g     to look over and check

h     machine used for washing clothes

i      the pieces that are left after something has been destroyed

j      reaching land after being at or over sea

k     really bad, terrible, tragic

l      to remove people from a dangerous place to a safe place

m    a small harbour for private boats

n     very big

o     warned

Assignment 3

a     True or false?

1   Rick Conflitti and his girlfriend decided not to evacuate.

2   Rick Conflitti and his girlfriend live in a house made of wood.

3   Hurricane Milton is the worst hurricane Rick Conflitti has ever seen.

4   Marilyn Keemer and her husband lost power and the floors in their were flooded.

5   Hurricane Milton became less strong before it reached land.

6   It will take a long time before the people in Florida have rebuild and repaired everything.

b     Which words describe the emotions people felt? Choose all correct answers.

1   honestly

2   relieved

3   disastrous

4   shocked

5   thankful

c     For each word you chose in question b, write down if it describes a positive or a negative emotion.

d     “This is a first-class marina, but it just goes to show you the strength of a hurricane,”
said John Ahern.
What does it refer to in John’s statement?

1   The crowds of people who took photos and videos of the boats and ships thrown on land.

2   The dock where John Ahern was walking his dog the day after the hurricane made landfall.

3   The fact that the winds were so strong that even large boats were thrown out of the water.

4   The strong wind that pushed Indigo through Bayfront Park into town.


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