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Scientists discover a lost Mayan city using new technology

Een dorp van de Maya's

The Mayans used to have many settlements across South America. With new technology, archaeologists are finding more and more remnants of their civilisation.  


  • civilisation is a large group of people (or a society) that can be recognised by its unique organised structures, such as its culture, laws, buildings and cities, technology, and government.
  • Archaeologists are scientists that specialise in finding and studying physical evidence of historical events, often by digging in the ground.
  • Something that is distinctive can also easily be recognised because of distinct (unique) traits.
  • To fade into obscurity is to disappear or be lost in history.
  • Treasures and other valuable things are also called riches.
  • An amphitheatre is an open-air theatre, or a space outside that’s used for entertainment.
  • plaza is a public area or building usually used for shopping or trading, like a marketplace.
  • When something is described as lush, it means there are many plants, flowers, trees and other greenery.
  • Ceramics are pots and other items made out of clay.


Watch the video until 00:55.

1.  Fill in the correct words in the paragraph below. 

Mayans – archaeologists – obscurity – jungle – civilisation – technology – distinctive 

The Mayan [ ] was known for [ ] buildings, but there aren’t many of them left as the Mayans faded into [ ] 300 years ago. Thanks to new [ ] such as radar, a new Mayan city was discovered in the [ ]. [ ] hope this will lead to new insights about how the [ ] lived. 

2. Are there any modern Mayan cities today? Explain your answer. 

3. You can see camera footage of the ruins of a Mayan city in this part of the video. Where was this footage filmed?

A: The UK

B: Guatemala

C: Mexico

D: Maya

Watch from 00:55 to 01:35.

4. What is Valeriana?

5. What used to happen in the building that is shown in the 3D-animation? Tick all the correct answers. 

A: It was used as a place of worship.

B: The Mayans held court cases here.

C: It was used a burial site.

D: The Mayans stored treasures here.

E: It was a battleground.

6. Match the number to the correct answer.

A: 7,000               1. The number of inhabitants that would have lived in the settlement.

B: 300                 2. The number of buildings expected to be in the site. 

C: 50,000           3. How many years ago the Mayan civilisation collapsed.

Watch 01:35 to the end of the video.

7. Name three words that expert Luke Auld-Thomas uses to describe what the ruins would have looked like when the Mayans were still living there. Then use one of these words in a sentence. 

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