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Old Boys’ Club

Assignment 1

You may use English-language Internet sources to help you.

a        List three or more presidents of the United States of America.

b        How many woman presidents of the United States of America have there been?

Old Boys’ Club

The current president of the United States of America had something to say to all Americans.
Click to read more about the president’s statement.

Assignment 2

a               Read the text. Find and mark the following words and expressions:

serve – a term – announcement – widely expected – unfinished business – campaign – equally – approval ratings – performance – supporters – election – beat

b               Insert the above words and expressions to make correct sentences.

  1. A ……………………….. is when a group of people organize many activities. They want to achieve something with their activities. For example political change.
  2. ……………………….. is the period of time during which a party or a government is in power.
  3. An ……………………….. is a public statement that tells people something will happen.
  4. An ……………………….. is when people vote to choose a person to become their leader.
  5. ……………………….. means in a way that is the same for each person.
  6. If you ……………………….. someone in a game, you win the game.
  7. If you ……………………….. as a president, you spend your time doing the job of a president.
  8. Someone’s ……………………….. is how successful they are or how well they do something.
  9. ……………………….. are people who agree with and stand by someone else.
  10. The ………………….. show how many people in the country  believe a leader is doing a good job.
  11. When many people think something is going to happen, this thing is ………………………………..
  12. You have ……………………….. when you have not yet completed all the work you need to do.

Assignment 3

a What was Joe Biden’s big announcement?

1               He believes American presidents should only serve two terms.
2               He has unfinished business with the Democratic Party.
3               He is running for president of the United States again.
4               He will quit his job as president in January 2025.

b True or false?

1               The latest U.S. election was held on Tuesday in 2021.
2               Biden is the oldest president the United States has ever had.
3               Biden’s approval ratings are not very high.
4               Biden was president of the U.S. from 2008 to 2016.
5               The next U.S. election will be held in November 2024.

c “Biden beat Trump in a very tight race in 2020.” What does this mean?

1               Biden and Trump have both been training to run for president since 2020.
2               For a long time, it was unclear if Biden or Trump had won the elections in 2020.
3               In 2020, Biden and Trump set personal records in a running match.
4               Joe Biden and Donald Trump ran around in tights for a game show in 2020.


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