Home » Materiaal 12+ » Our Perfect Planet

Our Perfect Planet

This year, the world will gather in Glasgow for the United Nations Climate Change Conference. David Attenborough looks ahead.



  • indoors – inside (your home or any building)
  • challenging – difficult, but not impossible
  • there is no limit to what we can accomplish – there is no end to what we can get done
  • environmental change – the changing of the air, water, and land in or on which all live
  • urgent – very important
  • crucial – very, very important
  • creatures – all sorts of animals
  • proudly – with a happy and pleased feeling
  • to make a difference –to do something that helps people or makes the world a better place
  • inhabitants – people or animals that live in a particular place



  1. What happens when we work together?
  2. David Attenborough says that 2021 “could be a year for positive change”. A change for whom?
  3. What is David Attenborough’s wish for 2021?


Extra Speaking or Writing Assignment

At 01:22, David Attenborough says:
“… let’s think about what each of us can do. What positive changes can we make in our own lives?”

  1. Think of two or more positive changes you can make in your life.
  2. Write them down or discuss your ideas in class.




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