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Rule by the People

“Democracy is the worst system, except for all the other systems.” This is what Winston Churchill said. Who? Well, just look Churchill up if you don’t know who he was! Here we will focus on democracy: what is it and why is it important?

Assignment 1

You may use English-language Internet sources to help you.

a        Write down 3 or more forms of government.

Rule by the People

Find out what democracy is and why it is important.

Assignment 2

a        Read the text. Find and mark the following words and expressions:

celebrate – encourage – empower – get involved – election – autocracy – laws –
have no choice but – have a say – vote

b    Insert the above words and expressions to make correct sentences.

  1. An ………………….. is a government that is controlled by one person who has complete power.
  2. If you ………………….. in something, you have the right to give your opinion.
  3. If you ………………….. to do something you must do it.
  4. The ………………….. are the rules that the government of a city or country make.
  5. When the people in a country choose a person to run the country, they are having an ……………..
  6. When you choose people officially to lead your country, you ………………….. for these people.
  7. When you decide to take part in a situation or activity, you ………………….. in them.
  8. When you do something special or fun for an important event, like a birthday or a holiday, you ………………….. this event.
  9. When you help people to become stronger or more successful, you ………………….. them.
  10. When you tell or advise someone to do something, you ………………….. them to do it.

Assignment 3

a    What is International Day of Democracy?

1    A British holiday that is celebrated each year on the day that democracy was discovered.

2    A date when all countries in the world make a promise: to let the people make all decisions.

3    A day when many countries in the world celebrate what’s good about democracies.

4    An American tradition to ask all the people in the country how they feel about the president.

b    What is the date of International Day of Democracy?

1    A Friday in September 2007.

2    An unknown day over 2000 years.

3    Every year on 15 September.

4    There is no fixed date.

c     Which statement is true?

1    In a democracy, a small number of people vote a leader who will run the country

2    In a democracy, one person makes all the rules which all the people happily follow.

3    In a democracy, people are encouraged to stay alive and express their feelings.

4    In a democracy, the people that live in a country have a say in how the country is run.


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