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St. Nick

Poppetjes als kerstversiering

St. Nick, Sinterklaas, Father Christmas, Grandfather Frost… There are many versions of Santa Claus in countries all over the world

Assignment 1

You may use English-language Internet sources to help you.

a     Name 5 or more words related to December and/or the December holidays.

Let’s take a look at some of the many versions of Santa Claus from around the globe.

Assignment 2

Find the words in the text.

Connect the words and expressions that have the same meaning.

1.    bearda.   a saint who protects a place or a group of people
2.    to deliver (delivers)b.   behaving badly, doing things you are not allowed to do
3.    Christmas Evec.   to bring
4.    variousd.   candy; small things such as toffees, chocolates, and mints
5.    sleighe.   to choose or like better than something else
6.    toysf.   the day before Christmas
7.    chimneyg.   different
8.    cookiesh.   the hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of person
9.    to prefer something (prefers)i.    a large cart which can slide over snow
10.  giftsj.    a pipe on a building through which smoke goes up into the air
11.  sweetsk.   playthings, like dolls and games
12.  potatoesl.    presents
13.  naughtym. round vegetables with brown or red skins and white insides; they grow under the ground
14.  gnomesn.   small creatures, like a dwarfs, who you read about in fairy tales and children’s stories
15.  patron sainto.   small, flat, baked and round food made from flour and sugar

Assignment 3

a     Choose the best summary.

1   People in many countries have special holidays with some version of Santa Claus.

2   Santa Claus is really a woman who travels through the chimney.

3   St. Nick is just another name for Santa Claus.

4   The North American version of Santa Claus is the only real version of Santa Claus.

b     Match the countries and regions on the left with the items on the right.

1.   Italya.   a bowl of porridge with butter
2.   Russia and other eastern Slavic countriesb.   rotten potatoes
3.   Icelandc.   small bags of gold
4.   Scandinaviad.   toys and coal or ash
5.   Ukrainee.   a troika

c     What are ways of travelling? Choose all the correct answers.

1   carrying a long magical staff

2   climbing through the chimney

3   driving a sled

4   driving a troika

5   eating sausages

6   using a sleigh


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