English is an international language spoken by over 1 billion people worldwide. It is no surprise therefore that so many musicians make music in English.
Assignment 1
For this assignment you may use a dictionary or English-language Internet sources to help you.
a List ten different countries with their English names. For each country, write down the English name of their official language or languages. Example: The Netherlands – Dutch.
b List the languages you can speak. Mark the two languages you know best and/or use the most.
Dutch bands are embracing their own language
The reading text for this assignment can be found here. |
Assignment 2
For each definition, find the word or expression it describes in the text and write it down.
- people who are dancing, singing, etc. at a party or festival
- relating to or describing someone’s country or place of birth
- in a foreign country
- very important
- to stop using something
- named after a person
- fear or worry about what is going to happen
- an instrument that measures air pressure and shows future changes in the weather
- to become very excited, maybe a bit too much
- to guess something without definitely knowing if it is true
- a reaction in an opposite direction to something
- some minced meat made into a small, round flattened shape and cooked
- to provide the space and other things necessary for a special event
- to make known
Assignment 3
a True or false?
1 In the past, mainly folk singers sang Dutch songs.
2 This year, far more artists at Noorderslag festival are singing in Dutch than 20 years ago.
3 Dutch-language music is only listened to in the Netherlands.
4 Some Dutch artists are successful in foreign countries with their Dutch songs.
5 Jeangu Macrooy will perform his Eurovision song in Dutch.
b Write down the different phrases used in the text to describe the language someone is or was speaking as a child.
c “The major stars in the Dutch music scene have rarely worn their nationality on their sleeves.”
What does this mean?
1 Many Dutch singers and musicians generally do not wear clothes by Dutch fashion designers.
2 Many successful Dutch artists have not shown that they were Dutch in a very open way.
3 The biggest Dutch music stars are thinking about changing their nationality.
4 There are not many big Dutch musicians that have had success in other countries.
d The Noorderslag festival in Groningen is “considered the barometer of local pop music”.
What does this mean?
1 At the Noorderslag festival people can predict what the weather will be like.
2 Only major Dutch stars perform at the Noorderslag festival in Groningen.
3 The Noorderslag festival can make or break music careers.
4 The Noorderslag festival shows the trends in Dutch pop music.