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The Future is “oranje”

English is an international language spoken by over 1 billion people worldwide. It is no surprise therefore that so many musicians make music in English.

Assignment 1

For this assignment you may use a dictionary or English-language Internet sources to help you.

a    List ten different countries with their English names. For each country, write down the English name of their official language or languages. Example: The Netherlands – Dutch.

b    List the languages you can speak. Mark the two languages you know best and/or use the most.


Dutch bands are embracing their own language

The reading text for this assignment can be found here.


Assignment 2

For each definition, find the word or expression it describes in the text and write it down.

  1. people who are dancing, singing, etc. at a party or festival
  2. relating to or describing someone’s country or place of birth
  3. in a foreign country
  4. very important
  5. to stop using something
  6. named after a person
  7. fear or worry about what is going to happen
  8. an instrument that measures air pressure and shows future changes in the weather
  9. to become very excited, maybe a bit too much
  10. to guess something without definitely knowing if it is true
  11. a reaction in an opposite direction to something
  12. some minced meat made into a small, round flattened shape and cooked
  13. to provide the space and other things necessary for a special event
  14. to make known


Assignment 3

a    True or false?

1    In the past, mainly folk singers sang Dutch songs.
2    This year, far more artists at Noorderslag festival are singing in Dutch than 20 years ago.
3    Dutch-language music is only listened to in the Netherlands.
4    Some Dutch artists are successful in foreign countries with their Dutch songs.
5    Jeangu Macrooy will perform his Eurovision song in Dutch.


b    Write down the different phrases used in the text to describe the language someone is or was speaking as a child.


c     “The major stars in the Dutch music scene have rarely worn their nationality on their sleeves.”
What does this mean?

1    Many Dutch singers and musicians generally do not wear clothes by Dutch fashion designers.
2    Many successful Dutch artists have not shown that they were Dutch in a very open way.
3    The biggest Dutch music stars are thinking about changing their nationality.
4    There are not many big Dutch musicians that have had success in other countries.


d    The Noorderslag festival in Groningen is “considered the barometer of local pop music”.
What does this mean?

1    At the Noorderslag festival people can predict what the weather will be like.
2    Only major Dutch stars perform at the Noorderslag festival in Groningen.
3    The Noorderslag festival can make or break music careers.
4    The Noorderslag festival shows the trends in Dutch pop music.


WK 04 2019-2020 Lezen B2 The Future is oranje

WK 04 2019-2020 Lezen B2 The Future is oranje – uitwerking

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