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The Hill We Climb

Last week, Joe Biden officially became the new president of the United States. At the ceremony, 22-year-old Amanda Gorman read a poem. She was the youngest person to deliver a poem at a U.S. presidential inauguration. The poem’s title is “The Hill We Climb”.



  • never-ending shade – slight darkness that never ends
  • we’ve weathered and witnessed – we have dealt with (and survived) and seen
  • successor – someone who follows and takes the place that was held by another
  • polished – very impressive; very polite
  • to put your differences aside – to stop thinking about the things you do not agree on
  • to inherit – to receive something or a situation from people who lived before you
  • to be defeated – to be won over, to have lost



  1. What does Amanda Gorman say about herself in the poem?
  2. … to put our future first, / we must first put our differences aside
    What does this mean?
  3. We seek harm to none and harmony for all
    What does this mean?
  4. Fill in the missing words:
    It’s because being American is ………………………………………….. we inherit,
    it’s the past ……………………………………
    and how we ……………………………………
  5. Is the poem more optimistic or more pessimistic about the future? Give 2 or more examples to support your answer.




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