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Trading Up

Demi Skipper lives in San Francisco.


  • to trade – to give something to someone and receive something in return
  • to trade up – to give something to someone and receive something that costs more money
  • bobby pin –a small piece of metal, which someone uses to hold their hair in place; a hairpin
  • earring – a piece of jewelry that is worn on the ear
  • headphones – a pair of speakers which you wear over your ears to listen to music, etc.
  • minivan – a large car for 6 or more people or to carry large things
  • to trade down – to give something to someone and receive something that costs less money
  • necklace – a piece of jewelry that is worn around your neck


  1. Demi is trading stuff. What is the first thing she offers?
  1. What does Demi want to get in the end?
  1. Name Demi’s three rules for trading.
  1. Sometimes Demi has to trade down. How often does this happen in the video?
  1. Brace yourself! Here is a list of all the things Demi has traded until now. Put them in the right order.
  1. Apple TV
  2. bobby pin
  3. camera and lenses
  4. Chipotle celebrity card
  5. diamond necklace
  6. earrings
  7. electric bike food cart
  8. electric skateboard
  9. four margarita glasses
  10. headphones
  11. Honda car/Honda CR-V
  12. iPhone
  13. Jeep
  14. Mini Cooper car
  15. newer MacBook
  16. old Apple MacBook
  17. old Mustang car
  18. Peloton exercise bike
  19. red minivan
  20. snowboard
  21. three sets of sneakers
  22. three tractors
  23. tiny cabin on wheels
  24. vacuum cleaner
  25. X Box


WK 20 2020-2021 Luisteren – Trading Up – antwoorden

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