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Weather Warning

Vuurtoren in een storm

Storm Éowyn was probably the strongest storm that has hit the UK in at least 10 years.

Assignment 1

You may use English-language Internet sources to help you.

a     Name at least 5 English words for colours.

b     Name your favourite colour.

Weather Warning

Storm Éowyn was a very heavy storm.
People in many parts of the UK and Ireland were warned to stay safe.

There was a weather warning.
Read more about these warnings.

Assignment 2

Find the words in the text.

Connect the words and expressions that have the same meaning.

1.  warninga.   belonging to the area where you live
2.  weather warningb.   coming, appearence
3.  arrivalc.   dangerous, risky
4.  preparedd.   decided that something which had been planned for a particular time will be done at a later time
5.  seriouse.   decided that it will not take place
6.  (to) issuef.   destruction, ruin, harm
7.  likelyg.   going, walking, or travelling to different places
8.  damageh.   a period of time when there is no electricity in a building or area
9.  getting aroundi.    probably, possibly
10. delayedj.    public organizations that deal with difficult and dangerous situations, especially the ambulance service, the police, and the fire brigade
11. cancelledk.   ready
12. power cablesl.    to release, to announce
13. power cutsm. something which is said or written to tell people about a possible danger
14. emergency servicesn.   statement that warns people about dangerous weather
15. localo.   thick wires that carry electricity

Assignment 3

a     What is a red weather warning?

1   A message for storm chasers.

2   A warning for people at sea that they should return to the harbour.

3   A warning that really bad weather is coming that can cause lots of damage.

4   An order by the weather services that nobody is allowed to leave the house.

    What should you do in case of a red weather warning? Choose all correct answers.

1   Better not travel.

2   Expect problems when you travel.

3   Only travel by bus or train, not by airplane.

4   Be prepared for periods without electric power.

5   Switch off all red lights.

6   Be very careful because situations can be life-threatening.

c     What does it mean when an area is “potentially dangerous”?

1   This area has lots of possibilities, but some are dangerous.

2   It can become dangerous to be in this area.

3   This dangerous area is very powerful.

4   It is probably safe in this area, but you never know.


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