Home » Materiaal 12+ » Wolves


Wolves were gone from the Netherlands. But they are back. Between November last year and January this year at least four wolves were spotted.
In the United States wolves also almost became extinct (uitgestorven). This has changed.

Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.

  • predator – an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals
  • a howl – a long, sad sound
  • northern hemisphere – northern half of the earth
  • canines – dogs
  • wolf pack – a group of wolves, that live and hunt together
  • cohesive units – closely united groups
  • hierarchy – system in which all elements (people, animals, or things) are arranged according to their importance
  • to show your affection – to show that you like someone or something
  • exterminated – killed


First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.

1. How many species of wolves are there?
2. Which species of wolves can be found in both the U.S. and the Netherlands?
3. How many wolves generally form a wolf pack?
4. “Each wolves howl is unique.” Explain what this means. Use examples from the video.
5. Name at least 2 reasons why wolves almost became extinct in the U.S.

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