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Your TikTok fyp

TikTok op smartphone

Do you love TikTok? How do you use it?

Assignment 1

a     Acronyms are words which are formed from the first letters of other words.
You probably know PIN, which is short for Personal Identification Number.
Write down what the following acronyms stand for:

b     Name 2 or more other acronyms you know.

Your TikTok fyp

TikTok is owned by a Chinese company. In the United States, some people think the app is dangerous for the safety of the country. They are afraid China is spying on them through TikTok. Or maybe influencing users with the videos they see on their fyp (For You Page).

TikTok fyp is the first page you see when you open the TikTok app. It shows you videos you might like.

Find out more about TikTok’s fyp in this article.

Assignment 2

a     Read the text. Find (and mark) the following words in the text:

pranks echo chamber creators factors (to) favourite interaction stuck (to) prefer confirms (to) challenge out of your hands (to) tailor reversed

b     Match the above words and expressions with their correct definitions.

  1. action or activity on an online platform
  2. to change so that something is more the way you like it
  3. changed back to how it was before
  4. elements, aspects
  5. in a place or situation that is difficult to get out of
  6. to like one thing better than another thing
  7. to make you have questions or doubts about something
  8. makes you believe something even more strongly
  9. to mark as something you like
  10. no longer controlled by you
  11. people who make things
  12. a space where somebody reads or hears only opinions and beliefs similar to their own
  13. tricks that are done to someone, usually as a joke

Assignment 3

a     Choose the description that fits the article best.

1   Discover why your TikTok For You Page may change and learn how to reset it.

2   Find out how your TikTok For You Page works and if you can control what you get to see.

3   Learn how to use the TikTok algorithm to boost your TikTok visibility.

4   Understand how TikTok’s For You Page can help accounts of any size reach millions of viewers.

b     Can you control which videos are recommended on your For You Page?

1   It is difficult, but you can influence it a bit with your likes, bookmarks, shares and comments.

2   No, only TikTok’s algorithm controls which videos you are recommended.

3   Only if you know a good tailor who will help you control your TikTok For You Page.

4   Yes, definitely, you just have to take steps to be technically in control again.

c     What is confirmation bias?

1   When you only like, share, favourite or comment on videos.

2   When people only read opinions or beliefs similar to theirs, like in an echo chamber.

3   When we prefer the information or news that confirms what we already believe.

4   When you refresh your feed a warning that this action cannot be reversed.

d     Write down the acronym or acronyms that are used in the article.


Van de makers van All Right!, Of Course! en Taalblokken Engels

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